Saturday, August 4, 2007

Introduction II

I should have said this earlier, but the knives I'm discussing in this blog are quality items. Some are production knives, some are hand made custom knives. Quality costs money. The least expensive knife I consider quality costs over $25. You won't find these knives in gas stations or 7-11, and you might find some of the least expensive at big box or hardware stores. For the majority, you'll need to hit an outdoor store or a dedicated knife store.
I hope to be able to educate you into spending more for a knife; showing you that the features, materials and construction make them worth more. Expect these knives to last a long time. Some may become collectible.

These first dozen posts are a single topic, divided into parts. After this, assume the posts will be random in nature, showing things (knives) I find interesting or good.

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